You can use the “System Information” page to check the current version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central tenant. Simply search for “System Information” using “Tell me what to do” and click on the “System Information” link in the result. “System information” page will show the current version of the tenant. Version get change every time Microsoft …
Category: Tips and Tricks
Feb 19
Runtime Packages for Business Central On-Premises
Before you go through this blob, I suggest you read my blog post “Your program license does not allow you to publish” to get an understanding about the Runtime Packages. Runtime packages are designed to help the distribution of extensions. You can generate Runtime packages that do not contain AL code. Runtime packages allow protecting the …
Feb 19
Your program license does not allow you to publish
We recently ran into a new issue when we try to push one of our extensions to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 On-premise installations. We used PowerShell script to upload the extensions to production and we did this couple of days ago too without an issue. However this time we got the below error during the installation : …
Feb 06
The runtime version of the extension package is currently set to ‘2.1’
While deploying one of our base extensions to a customer tenant we got an error with “Unable to Install the Extension *******”. This was the same extension we deployed to the same tenant couple of days ago with a different version. We revert our changes and try to publish it again but the same error. …
Oct 16
Check Dynamics NAV license from RTC
In order to check the current uploaded Microsoft Dynamics NAV License from RTC environment please follow below steps. 01. Open RTC Environment. 02. Click on the white arrow in the top left corner of the client. (Refer below image) 03. Go to Help – > click on “About Microsoft Dynamics NAV” 04. “About Microsoft Dynamics NAV” …
Mar 12
Quick Fix : Visual Studio displaying NAV Report Layout as XML
I got this issue with Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Edition. Every time I open a Dynamics NAV report layout in Visual Studio, RDLC is rendered as XML file instead of visual layout with all the fields and tool boxes. How the report layout looks: FIX : In order to fix the issue you need to …
Oct 19
Date Shortcuts in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
I have seen many users are using T when they want to get the Today in the Dynamics NAV, however they do not know thre are few more shortcut keys they can use to ease their life when working with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Following are some of other options available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV related to …
Oct 19
Report color code to identify blank rows
Hi, If you have been developing RDLC reports for Dynamics NAV, most probably you might have come across the situations where some blank lines are printing in the body of the report and just a glance you cannot identify from where these lines are coming from. Very recently one of my colleague asked me to …