Overview of User Permission : Microsoft Dynamics NAV

During last few versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft has introduced some cool new features. One of my favorite is user permission (It has a long way to go, but it is getting there) .

CRM and User Permission :
If you have worked with Microsoft Dynamics CRM you might have noticed how good (cool) is the user permission assignment in it. It is very easy and show the overall picture of how the user permission is assigned. (Below is a sample image of Dynamics CRM User Permission)

Pain with Dynamics NAV Permission :

During most of the implementations I have involved, we always got a complain that Dynamics NAV user permission is complex and is there way to do it much simpler way. Some of the cases we had to go for a add-on to ease the pain and most of the time company IT Admin had to live with the pain as the add-ons are much expensive. 

Main issue we faced is that Dynamics NAV did not had a central location to control the user permissions and also the way permission recording works. 

During last few release of Dynamics NAV product line, it seems Microsoft has identified the pain of IT Admins and they have come up with a much simpler solution to ease the pain. This may be not a perfect solution but we are almost there. 

Permission Sets :
If you navigate to Users  using department or using “Google Search” of Dynamics NAV, you can see few options on the ribbon. Today I will only go through the “Permission Sets” and will come back to “User Groups” on a different post. 

As a first step if you click on the “Permission Sets” it will open up a window with all the permission sets available in the Dynamics NAV. 

This is not new, this was always there (most of the versions) in Dynamics NAV. New about this screen is now you have a factbox or I would see Zoom-In box on the right side of the page. When you click on a permission set you can see the overview of the objects which are assigned to the selected permission set. 

Yes, it does not show the permission assign to each object, but if you want to see the well detailed version you can click on the “Permissions” button on the top of the ribbon. 

Details of the permission set include below details on the screen. It allows Admin to control what are the objects that user should have access and how the access should be. If a Admin required only to provide read permission to a object (depend on the object type), that control is available. 

Security Filter :
With the security filter Admin can apply a data based filter to the permission set. Check below example :

Ex : If a user should only see a invoices of one selected customer then Admin can add the Sales Header table and add appropriate data filters. Like wise many data filters can be applied and have a 100% control over the user permissions.

Permission Sets by User :Next lets check on my favorite functionality in the Permission Sets, which is “Permission Sets by User” 

This is a one perfect solution for a lack of “Permission Control Center” in Dynamics NAV. With this new feature Admin can see the complete overview picture of the companies assigned user permissions and more beauty is just with a click, admin can assign and remove a permission set from a user and does not have to go to each user profile and assign the permission like past.  Below is a sample of the “Permission Sets by User” control center. 

Below is the ribbon of the  “Permission Sets by User” control center and it allows to copy a permission set to a new permission set and also to view the detailed version of permissions. 

Hope you learned new things from the blog post or at least refresh your memory. 

Please provide your feedback with a comment. 
Thank you and Regards,
Tharanga Chandrasekara

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