Quick Fix : This AL extension version for Visual Studio Code cannot be used with the specified server.

If you recently pulled the latest Business Central image or update the visual studio code you might have already faced this error. 

This AL extension version for Visual Studio Code cannot be used with the specified server.
Please update the AL extension from the Visual Studio Code marketplace.
Additional information:Server details
– Runtime: 2.3
– Web API: 2.0
– Debugger: 2.0

AL extension details– Supported runtimes: 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
– Supported Web API: 1.0, 2.0
– Supported debuggers: 1.0, 2.0

Reason for the error: 
AL extension (2.1.69331) that you download from the visual studio market place does contain the latest updates which work with the latest releases of Business Central and Visual Studio. 

How to resolve it:
Till the visual studio market place extension get its latest update you can install the AL Language extension from the Business Central CU 3 product DVD. If you are new to this you might want to read my previous blog post about how to install an extension to Visual Studio. 

Go to Visual Studio Cod and navigate to Extensions. Then select install from VSIX.

Select the Visual Studio Code AL Extension from the Business Central Product DVD. 

Install the extension (2.1.79379) and reload the window. 

Please provide your feedback with a comment. 
Thank you and Regards,
Tharanga Chandrasekara

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