Cumulative Update 8 includes all application and platform hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. The cumulative update includes hotfixes that apply to all countries and hotfixes specific to the following local versions: AU – Australia AT – Austria BE – Belgium CH – Switzerland CZ – Czech Republic …
Category: Uncategorized
Jun 13
Cumulative Update 27 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 has been released
Cumulative Update 27 includes all application and platform hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. The cumulative update includes hotfixes that apply to all countries and hotfixes specific to the following local versions: AU – Australia AT – Austria BE – Belgium CH – Switzerland DE – Germany DK …
Jun 05
How to freeze your computer using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Total credit for this should goes to one of my team members, You need to write a very small code to achieve this. warning : Once you execute below code, you might have to manually restart the computer, so think twice before executing. MyRec.RESET; IF MyRec.FINDFIRST THEN REPEAT UNTIL FALSE; Seacret of this remains in the last line of the …
Jun 02
Reset Auto Increment field in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tables
How to change the current value of an auto increment field? Is it possible without dropping the table? Yes it is possible. In order to do that you have to use SQL command called DBCC CHECKIDENT Following is the syntax of the DBCC CHECKIDENT command. DBCC CHECKIDENT ( <table_name> [ , { NORESEED | { …
May 28
Do not apply Cumulative Update 19 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2
Problem Cumulative Update 19 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 has a problematic change that will affect your implementation of the cumulative update. The problem is in table 114, Sales Cr. Memo Header, where the number of field 1300, Canceled, is changed to 1301. A typical partner development license does not allow field changes, so …
May 25
Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Following table provides the shortcut key combinations in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV windows client and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development environment. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client Development environment Action Right Arrow Right Arrow Move to the next field or character Left Arrow Left Arrow Move to the previous field or character Up Arrow Up Arrow Move to the …
May 24
G/L Account is Block from Direct Post
If your General Ledger (G/L) and subledgers (Customer,Vendor,Bank…) values are not tallying up, as an accountant or bookkeeper you will end up in a mess. In order to reconcile you need to check why it is not get tally and this will take time depending on the transactions amount system has and amount of skills you have in excel …
May 24
Install HYPER-V Manager in Windows
This is not directly related to Microsoft Dynamics NAV. However if you are working with different versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV in one single time, Virtual machines is the best solution you can have. With Microsoft Windows you will get Hyper-V, which allows you to host your own virtual machines. This guide provide steps on …
May 21
Export Report Dataset to Excel, XML or even EMail it
How do you export report dataset into excel? Is it possible? Yes it is possible. There is a way to export your report data out. First of all I will give you a small preview of what we going to achieve. Following is the report we are going to preview and take out the dataset to …
May 19
Call was rejected by callee
I got following error when I tried to import data using configuration package in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. I tried few times, but always this error throws out from Microsoft Dynamics NAV. When I minimize the Microsoft Dynamics NAV window I saw following screen smiling at me. Once I activate the office package, all started …