Category: AL Extensions

Navigate directly to a symbol of a file in VS Code

How would feel about if you can directly navigate to a symbol of a file? It is now possible in VS Code.  All you need to do is press “Ctrl” + P and type the object name you want to navigate to and then press @, it will list down all the fields, functions and …

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Object types is case sensitive in TenantWebServiceCollection

Last week while I was working on an integration project, I wanted to call a Business Central function from Azure Logic Apps. I had few options with APIs but I went ahead with creating a CodeUnit with a function and expose it as a web service.   Rather than exposing the CodeUnit by manually inserting …

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Obsoleting Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Events

If you are working on the extension development, then I’m sure that you already have published and subscribed to many events. There are some rules that you should strictly follow around events if your extension is eventually be used by another partner to build their solution on top of yours.  Business Central has two types of events …

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AL: Action Property must have a value

This blog post was sitting on my draft folder for the past few months and finally got time to hit the publish button.  AL compiler getting smarter day by day. In previous versions even if we declare an action and never implement the OnAction trigger or assign the RunObject property it never gave a warning …

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Report back from Directions EMEA 2019: Technical

The first-day keynote was packed with stats and exciting announcements from Microsoft. As for the Microsoft general manager Toby Bowers, 1400+ partners selling Business Central worldwide. 4000+ customers actively using Business Central. 450+ business central solutions are available on AppSource. The number of users doubled compared to last year.     This clearly indicates that Business …

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How to change the version of the AL Language compiler

Microsoft released a new update to AL Language extension for VS Code. With this new update, the compiler does a few pre-checks before compiling the objects and packages them into a .app file.  Most probably you will have to do minor changes to your extension codebase to work with the new compiler. Otherwise, you will …

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Platform property is still required in app.json

With the Wave 2 release, Microsoft did convert all the C/AL objects into AL. Since they want to lead by example they wanted their own code to be on extensions as well. Plus they wanted to split the objects based on its functionality. After converting to AL, Microsoft put the objects into below two extensions: System …

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How to handle breaking changes?

Wagner and I are on our way to Vienna to present at Directions EMEA, and now we got into our second flight after flying over 15000Km from Auckland New Zealand, to Dubai. We got another 6 hours to complete on this flight before we step our foot in Vienna. Went through the in-flight entertainment system, …

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How to inject data to Customer Address Line 2 using Microsoft Business Central API

Creating a customer record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a topic I blogged about in one of my previous blog posts. If you have not read them yet I suggest you read it before going through this for better understanding.  Part 01: Getting Started with Dynamics 365 Business Central APIs Part 02: Understanding Microsoft Business …

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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Permissions required to download AL symbols

Your user needs to have the necessary permission to download AL symbols from Visual Studio Code (VSCode), else you will end up with “Could not download symbols” error in VS Code. In order to download symbols, User needs to have SUPER permission or should have “D365 EXTENSION MGT” permission assigned. Symbols are stored per tenant …

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