Category: Development

Understanding Microsoft Business Central Custom API Endpoints

This is the third blog post about the Microsoft Business Central APIs and I suggest you go through below blog posts first if you haven’t read them yet. Part 01: Getting Started with Dynamics 365 Business Central APIs Part 02: Understanding Microsoft Business Central Out-Of-The-Box API Endpoints If you want to access custom developed API then this blog …

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Understanding Microsoft Business Central Out-Of-The-Box API Endpoints

If you are working on a project which involves integrating a third party application to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, then I assume you have already come across with the Business Central APIs.  I noticed that most of the developers are still not comfortable with the endpoints of the BC APIs. Therefore this blog post …

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Dynamics 365 Business Central: Permissions required to download AL symbols

Your user needs to have the necessary permission to download AL symbols from Visual Studio Code (VSCode), else you will end up with “Could not download symbols” error in VS Code. In order to download symbols, User needs to have SUPER permission or should have “D365 EXTENSION MGT” permission assigned. Symbols are stored per tenant …

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Call a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central function through a Web Service : SOAPAction

Today I did some work with a Logic Apps and one of the requirement was to call a Business Central function through a Web Service.  I normally use Postman to simulate requests, export the collection and use that to create the Logic App connector.  Codeunit which I published as a web service had few functions …

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Add a logo to a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension

I saw a couple of forum questions about how to add a logo to an AL Extension and I thought to share a quick guide on how to.  If you publish your new extension to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and then navigate to Extension management page, you will see your new extension as below …

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Runtime Packages for Business Central On-Premises

Before you go through this blob, I suggest you read my blog post “Your program license does not allow you to publish” to get an understanding about the Runtime Packages.  Runtime packages are designed to help the distribution of extensions. You can generate Runtime packages that do not contain AL code. Runtime packages allow protecting the …

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Your program license does not allow you to publish

We recently ran into a new issue when we try to push one of our extensions to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 On-premise installations.  We used PowerShell script to upload the extensions to production and we did this couple of days ago too without an issue. However this time we got the below error during the installation : …

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Function Overloading in AL with Option and Integer

We never had the luxury of overloading a function in C/AL, but with the AL we have that ability. Which means you can use the same function name with different parameters.  This blog post is about a small glitch in the function overloading in AL and I will write a separate blog post about function overloading and its implementations (Excited about …

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Git Bash on Visual Studio Code integrated terminal

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) uses PowerShell by default in the integrated terminal. How easy would it be if Bash can be integrated into VS Code terminal? This is how my VS Code terminal looks like now: This can be achieved with a few steps. 1. Download Git ( and during the installation click below steps. …

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The runtime version of the extension package is currently set to ‘2.1’

While deploying one of our base extensions to a customer tenant we got an error with “Unable to Install the Extension *******”. This was the same extension we deployed to the same tenant couple of days ago with a different version. We revert our changes and try to publish it again but the same error.  …

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