In this blog post, I’m going to take you through the steps required to complete the OAuth client credentials flow for Business Central. Check this link if you want to refer to the official post from Microsoft.
Category: Development
Feb 10
How to get Business Central Environment Related Attributes?
If you want to get the details about the environment you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, you can simply use the standard codeunit Microsoft has introduced. If you look into the codeunit 457 “Environment Information”, you will see there are many procedures that fetch attributes concerning the environment of the service on which the tenant is hosted. Codeunit 457 is part of the System Application.Source.
Feb 10
TableType Property = Temporary
A temporary table is a temporary variable that holds a table. A temporary table is used as a buffer or intermediate storage for table data.
You can use a temporary table just like you use a database table. The differences between a temporary table and a database table are as follows:
A temporary table data isn’t stored in the database. It’s only held in memory until the table is closed.
The write transaction principle that applies to a database table doesn’t apply to a temporary table.
Oct 20
Quick fix for warning AL0604: Use of implicit ‘with’ will be removed in the future.
If you have not read my previous blog posts about the Implicit WITH, I suggest you read them to get a better understanding of the Implicit WITH. Also, you can read the Microsoft Docs to get more information as well. NoImplicitWith – The name #FieldName does not exist in the current context NoImplicitWith: The type …
Oct 20
NoImplicitWith: The type or method ‘Copy’ cannot be used for ‘Extension’ development.
If you have not read my previous blog, I suggest you read it to get a better understanding of NoImplicitWith. Microsoft recently announced about obsoleting the WITH statement and if your app.json file contains NoImplicitWith as a feature then you will probably be getting below error. The type or method ‘Copy’ cannot be used for …
Oct 20
NoImplicitWith – The name #FieldName does not exist in the current context
If you have used WITH statement in your AL code to make the code readable, then this blog will be helpful for you. There are people who completely support the use of WITH statement and I also was on that category a few years ago. Fortunately, I moved on from the use of WITH statements. …
May 03
How to use a custom SystemId when inserting a record through an API
Have you tried to insert a record to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central through a Custom API and pass a custom SystemId with the record? Basically what I trying to achieve is when an Account is created in the D365 Sales system, I want to pass that record to D365 Business Central. I can easily …
Apr 24
Navigate directly to a symbol of a file in VS Code
How would feel about if you can directly navigate to a symbol of a file? It is now possible in VS Code. All you need to do is press “Ctrl” + P and type the object name you want to navigate to and then press @, it will list down all the fields, functions and …
Mar 07
Object types is case sensitive in TenantWebServiceCollection
Last week while I was working on an integration project, I wanted to call a Business Central function from Azure Logic Apps. I had few options with APIs but I went ahead with creating a CodeUnit with a function and expose it as a web service. Rather than exposing the CodeUnit by manually inserting …
Mar 01
Obsoleting Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Events
If you are working on the extension development, then I’m sure that you already have published and subscribed to many events. There are some rules that you should strictly follow around events if your extension is eventually be used by another partner to build their solution on top of yours. Business Central has two types of events …